/ The Ultra-lightweight Cleanroom Mop

/ The Ultra-lightweight Cleanroom Mop
PharmaMOP® is designed for cleanroom cleaning SOP’s. The light weight, 360 degree rotating and locking mop head give operators excellent control cleaning floors, walls and ceilings. The ultra-light handle , wringer less bucket system and drip resistant mop heads allow operators to efficiently carry out SOP’s with improved ergonomics. PharmaMOP® can be used with figure eight, front to back or top to bottom motions and the rotating mop frame enable cleaning of tight spaces. The PharmaMOP® handle and SingleSTEP™ mop heads have been designed to allow for greatly improved cleaning efficiency of soils and residues from difficult to clean textured floors while at the same time allowing ease of mopping. The entire PharmaMOP® system is compatible with steam sterilization and all of the major disinfectants.
PharmaMOP® mop heads are constructed with a foam core sandwiched between two layers of cleanroom fabric. The fabric is ultrasonically welded around the perimeter to guard against fiber contamination. PharmaMOP® mop heads are produced on a fully automated production line in an FDA licensed ISO class 8 clean room and are designed to meet cleaning and disinfection SOP’s in cGMP facilities. Compatible with bleach, parasitic acid, phenolics, Quart and IPA based disinfectants and sanitizers. PharmaMOP® mop heads are available gamma irradiated with a SAL 10-6 for use in aseptic processing areas. All mopheads are individually packed and double bagged to ensure compliance with cleanroom procedures.